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New Milford, CT has the perfect interior and exterior locations for your film or commercial


From historic homes to picturesque New England exteriors, as well as dressable sets that will play as all over the world, there is such a variety of locations that makes New Milford the perfect place to film all your scenes!


We recommend contacting a local location manager to help you find the perfect location, but in the meantime start your scout by checking out some of the highlights below.

Historic Downtown New Milford

Ideal for production and perfect on screen, the downtown area of New Milford (Main Street, Bank Street & Railroad Street) have been used for years as filming locations. 


Centrally located, it's the ideal spot to set up base camp and roll in trailers right next to your scene.  And when production is over, there are bars and restaurants to unwind in, event spaces for a wrap party and even a century old movie theater to hold a screening.

New England Arcitecture

There's nothing quite like the quintessential New England architecture, and New Milford is full of antique homes, churches and buildings of all ages and sizes.

Schools & Athletics

New Milford is home to many schools, including four public schools, one private school campus and six former school buildings, three large ones of which no longer house education. 


Plus, three antique single room school houses.

Steel Bridges

You won't find many bridges still standing from the turn-of-the-century, but New Milford still has several of them!  None of them are active, making them perfect for filming any scene on at any time of year or time of the day.

Rivers, Lakes & Water

New Milford sits on the shores of Candlewood Lake and also features miles of water along the Housatonic River.  Not to mention ponds, lakes and reservoirs scattered throughout town.  If you need water, either to shoot on or for the background, look no further.

Farms, Parks & Outdoor Spaces

Acres of farms, parks, beautiful outdoor spaces and even a quarry provide gorgeous landscapes and tons of variety throughout New Milford.

© 2021-2024 New Milford Film Commission

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